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Best Food Allergy Treatment in Kolkata

Welcome to Kolkata, the vibrant and bustling city known for its rich culture, delectable cuisine, and warm hospitality. But amidst all the excitement, there’s one thing that can put a damper on your experience – food allergies. Whether it’s a mild reaction or something more severe, dealing with food allergies can be challenging and frustrating.

Best hospital for Allergy treatment in kolkata

When it comes to finding the best hospital for allergy treatment in Kolkata, there are a few renowned names that stand out. One such hospital is Allergy & Asthma Treatment Centre In Kolkata, known for its expertise in diagnosing and treating various types of allergies. With a team of experienced allergists and state-of-the-art facilities, they provide comprehensive care to patients suffering from food allergies.

Allergy & Asthma Treatment Centre specializes in both adult and pediatric allergy treatment. They have dedicated departments for skin allergies as well as food allergies, ensuring that patients receive personalized attention and effective treatment plans.

Address-48/7, Purna Das Road, Gariahat (Golpark), Kolkata – 700029

Top allergy specialist in kolkata

One of the top allergy specialists in Kolkata is Dr. Saibal Moitra, who is known for his extensive knowledge and exceptional patient care. He has successfully treated numerous patients with allergies and has a high success rate. Dr. Saibal Moitra believes in taking a holistic approach towards treatment, focusing on both symptom relief and long-term management.His dedication to staying updated with the latest advancements enables him to provide cutting-edge treatments for various allergic conditions.

Skin allergy specialist in kolkata

For those looking for specialized care specifically for skin allergies, Allergy & Asthma Treatment Centre is an excellent choice. Their team of dermatologists has extensive experience in managing allergic skin conditions like eczema and hives.

It’s important to remember that each person’s experience with skin allergies is unique, so finding a skilled specialist who understands your specific needs is crucial for effective treatment. Consultation with a reputable skin allergy specialist in Kolkata will ensure that you receive accurate diagnosis and comprehensive care tailored specifically for you.

Which medicine is best for food allergies

One option is antihistamines, which can help relieve symptoms such as itching, hives, and sneezing. These medications work by blocking the release of histamine in the body, which is responsible for allergic reactions.

Another medication that may be prescribed is epinephrine auto-injectors. These devices contain a single dose of epinephrine, which can be self-administered in case of a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Epinephrine works quickly to reverse symptoms and can be life-saving in emergency situations.

In some cases, corticosteroids may be recommended to reduce inflammation caused by food allergies. These medications can help alleviate symptoms like swelling and redness.

Is there a permanent solution for food allergies

While there are various treatments available for managing food allergies, such as avoiding trigger foods and carrying epinephrine auto-injectors in case of an allergic reaction, there is currently no known cure for food allergies. The best approach to dealing with food allergies is prevention and management.One option that has shown promise in recent years is immunotherapy. This treatment involves exposing individuals to small amounts of allergens over time in order to desensitize their immune system. However, it should be noted that this treatment is still considered experimental and may not work for everyone.

Can a food allergy be cured?

When it comes to treating food allergies, the primary goal is to avoid allergenic foods altogether. This means being diligent about reading ingredient labels and asking questions when dining out. It’s also important to have an emergency plan in place in case of accidental exposure.

In some cases, individuals may undergo oral immunotherapy, which involves gradually introducing small amounts of the allergen under medical supervision. This can help build up tolerance over time, but it’s important to note that this approach may not work for everyone and should only be done under the guidance of an allergist.It’s worth mentioning that while some children may outgrow certain food allergies as they get older, others may continue to experience them throughout their lives. Therefore, ongoing management and vigilance are key.

While there may not be a permanent cure for food allergies at this time, research continues to advance in order to find new treatment options. In the meantime, working closely with an allergist and following their recommendations is essential for effectively managing your specific allergy symptoms. Remember: knowledge is power when it comes to living well with a food allergy!

What is the fastest way to get rid of food allergy

Managing a food allergy involves identifying and avoiding the trigger foods, as well as taking necessary precautions in case of accidental exposure. The first step is to consult an allergist who specializes in food allergies. They will conduct tests to determine which specific foods you are allergic to.

In addition to avoidance measures, some people find relief by incorporating natural remedies such as herbal supplements or probiotics into their diet. However, it’s crucial to consult with your allergist before trying any alternative treatments.

How long does food allergy last?

Food allergies can vary in duration, depending on the individual and the specific allergen. In some cases, food allergy symptoms may only last for a short period of time, while in others they can persist for longer periods.The duration of a food allergy reaction can also be influenced by factors such as the amount of allergen consumed and how sensitized the person’s immune system is to that particular allergen.

In general, most mild to moderate food allergy symptoms will resolve within a few hours or days after exposure. However, severe allergic reactions may require immediate medical attention and treatment with epinephrine.

What is the best way to stop allergies

Living with allergies can be a constant battle, but there are ways to minimize their impact on your life. One of the best ways to stop allergies is by avoiding triggers. This may involve making changes to your environment or lifestyle. For example, if you have a pollen allergy, it’s important to keep windows closed and use air purifiers indoors. If you have food allergies, reading labels and being cautious about cross-contamination is crucial.

Another effective way to manage allergies is by taking medication as prescribed by an allergist or doctor. Antihistamines can help relieve symptoms like sneezing and itching, while nasal sprays can provide relief for congestion and sinus pressure.

Maintaining good overall health can also play a role in managing allergies. Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables can support your immune system, reducing the severity of allergic reactions. Regular exercise has been shown to alleviate allergy symptoms as well. In some cases, immunotherapy may be recommended as a long-term solution for severe allergies. This involves gradually exposing the body to small amounts of allergens over time in order to build up tolerance

What is the best home remedy for allergies

One popular home remedy is nasal irrigation with saline solution. This involves using a neti pot or nasal spray to flush out allergens and irritants from the nasal passages. It can help reduce congestion and inflammation, making breathing easier. Another option is steam inhalation. Adding a few drops of essential oils like eucalyptus or peppermint to hot water and inhaling the steam can help relieve sinus congestion and soothe irritated airways. Some people find relief by incorporating certain foods into their diet. Local honey is often touted as a natural remedy for seasonal allergies because it may contain small amounts of pollen that can desensitize the immune system over time. Additionally, consuming foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties such as ginger, turmeric, and omega-3 fatty acids may also help reduce allergy symptoms

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Allergy Treatment in Kolkata:

Q: What is the best hospital for allergy treatment in Kolkata?

A: When it comes to allergy treatment, there are several renowned hospitals in Kolkata that provide excellent services. Some of the top hospitals known for their expertise in allergy treatment include Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Fortis Hospital, and Belle Vue Clinic.

Q: Who is the top allergy specialist in Kolkata?

A: Kolkata boasts a number of highly skilled and experienced allergists. Some of the top allergy specialists known for their expertise include Dr. Saptarshi Bhattacharya at Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Dr. Tapan Kumar Biswas at Fortis Hospital, and Dr. Jayanta Chakraborty at Ruby General Hospital.

Q: Are there any skin allergy specialists in Kolkata?

A: Yes, there are specialized dermatologists who focus on diagnosing and treating skin allergies. Some notable names include Dr. Rajib Malakar at ILS Hospitals Salt Lake City and Dr. Indranil Chatterjee at Columbia Asia Hospital.

Q: Is there a permanent solution for food allergies?

A: While food allergies cannot be completely cured, they can be managed effectively through proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs.

Q: How long does a food allergy last?

A: The duration of a food allergic reaction varies from person to person depending on factors such as the severity of the reaction and individual immune system response. In most cases, symptoms subside within a few hours or days after avoiding the allergen.

Q: What is the best way to stop allergies

A: The best way to prevent allergic reactions is by identifying triggers through comprehensive testing conducted by an allergist or immunologist. Avoiding exposure to these triggers combined with appropriate medication can help control symptoms effectively.


If you are seeking the best food allergy treatment in Kolkata, there are several excellent hospitals and specialists available to help you. With their expertise and advanced medical facilities, they can diagnose your allergies accurately and provide effective treatment options.

Remember that while there may not be a permanent cure for food allergies, there are ways to manage and reduce symptoms. By working closely with an allergist or immunologist, you can develop a personalized treatment plan that includes avoiding trigger foods, taking prescribed medications when necessary, carrying emergency medication like epinephrine auto-injectors, and being vigilant about reading labels and asking about ingredients when dining out.

Additionally, it’s essential to educate yourself about food allergies so that you can take appropriate precautions. Learn how to recognize the signs of an allergic reaction and know what steps to take in case of an emergency.

While home remedies may offer some relief from mild allergic reactions or discomfort caused by allergies, it is always recommended to consult a specialist for proper diagnosis and guidance.

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